Friday, July 1, 2011

(Attock VU Group) Allah's Saying: O My Servants

ALQURANIC Mail [The Ultimate Guide ALQURAN]
Assalam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
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[2. Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 195]

And spend in the way of Allah and cast not yourselves to perdition with your own hands, and do good (to others); surely Allah loves the doers of good.

Allah's Saying: O My Servants
[Sahih Muslim : Book 32, Number 6246]
Abu Dharr  (Radi Allah Anhu) reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam)  as saying that Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said: 

"O My servants, I have made oppression unlawful for Me and unlawful for you, so do not commit oppression against one another."

"O My servants, all of you are liable to err except one whom I guide on the right path, so seek right guidance from Me so that I should direct you to the right path. 

"O My servants, all of you are hungry (needy) except one whom I feed, so beg food from Me, so that I may give that to you."

"O My servants, all of you are naked (need clothes) except one whom I provide garments, so beg clothes from Me, so that I should clothe you."

"O My servants, you commit error night and day and I am there to pardon your sins, so beg pardon from Me so that I should grant you pardon." 

"O My servants, you can neither do Me any harm nor can you do Me any good."

"O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and even the whole of human race of yours, and that of jinns even, become (equal in) God-conscious like the heart of a single person amongst you, nothing would add to My Power."

"O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race of yours and that of the Jinns too in unison become the most wicked (all beating) like the heart of a single person, it would cause no loss to My Power."

"O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and the whole human race of yours and that of jinns also all stand in one plain ground and you ask Me and I confer upon every person what he asks for, it would not. in any way, cause any loss to Me (even less) than that which is caused to the ocean by dipping the needle in it."

"O My servants, these for you I shall reward you for than, so he who deeds of yours which I am recording finds good should praise Allah and he who does not find that should not blame anyone but his own self."

Sa'id said that when Abu Idris Khaulini  (Radi Allah Anhu) narrated this hadith he knelt upon his knees.

Our Lord! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire. 

Mudassar Malik

Skype: Themmalik
Facebook ID Link: MM


"I have lived as plain Mr. Jinnah and I hope to die as plain Mr. Jinnah. I am very much averse to any title or honours and I will be more than happy if there was no prefix to my name." (Jinnah) 

 ,"Don't worry if people hate you because there are many others who love and care you in the earth. But be worried if ALLAH hates you because there is no other who loves and cares you in akhirat."* 

You Will  Never Reach Your Destination in Time, if You Stop and Throw Stones at Every Dog that Barks at You During the Journey. (Nipolean)

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