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(Attock VU Group) BNK604 solved midterms papers & mcqs




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Exam Papers MGT604 (BNK604): Mangmnt of Financial Institutions MGT604 Midterm 2010 Paper Shared by Mehreen Humayun

MGT604 Midterm 2010 Paper Shared by Mehreen Humayun

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MGT604 Midterm 2010 Paper Shared by Mehreen Humayun

                                                                       MIDTERM  EXAMINATION
Fall 2010
MGT604 - Management of Financial Institutions
Shared by Mehreen Humayun ( mehreen@vuzs.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
Time: 60 min
Marks: 39
Question No: 1      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
       Financial intermediaries
       Financial markets

Question No: 2      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In Pakistan regulation and supervision of the banking industry is settled by:
        National bank
       State bank
       Ministry of finance

Question No: 3      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Through which one of the following central bank influences the money supply in an economy:
       Monetary policy
       Prudential regulations
       Open market operation
       Banking ordinance

Question No: 4      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Buying of securities results in printing of new money and lowering the supply of specific security this process is known as:
       Purchase of securities
       Repurchase of securities
       Discounting of securities
       Rediscounting of securities

Question No: 5      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Financial regulators, such as the______________ supervises the capital markets in their respective countries to ensure that investors are protected against frauds.
       State bank
       International chamber of commerce
       Security & exchange commission
       Banking inspection department

Question No: 6      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the following is NOT the division of exchange policy department?
       Policy division
       Exchange companies division
       Investment division
       Recruitment division

Question No: 7      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Banks seek to maximize____________ for a given amount of risk on their balance sheet.
Lecture # 28
Banks seek to maximize profitability for a given amount of risk on their balance sheet.

Question No: 8      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The amount of capital a bank is required to hold is the function of which one of the following?
       The amount of required reserve
       The credit rating requirement
       The amount and quality of assets
       Leverage requirement
Lecture # 16
The amount of capital a bank is required to hold is a function of the amount and quality of its assets.

Question No: 9      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Mutual funds belong to a group of financial intermediaries known as:
       Investment companies
       Pension funds
       Insurance companies

Question No: 10      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the following is responsible for overall governance of the mutual funds?
       Government's agent
Lecture # 22
The directors of the fund are responsible for overall governance of the fund.
Question No: 11      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
ACAC is the acronym of which of the following?
       Access customer advocate center
       Agricultural credit advisory committee
       Agricultural credit accounting committee
       Agricultural credit accounting commission

Question No: 12      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following functions is NOT performed by the audit department?
       Financial audit
       Operational audit
       Information technology audit
       Research & development

Question No: 13      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following stands for GFS?
       Government Finance Statistics
       Global Field Services
       Global Financial System
       Global Forecast System

Question No: 14      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following countries got the first loan from World Bank?
       United States of America

Question No: 15      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following channels of commercial banks is known as computerized telecommunications device?
       Automated teller machine
       Telephone banking
       Online banking

Question No: 16      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following role is played by the board of directors of a bank?
       Make deposits
       Make loans
       Oversee bank activities
       Handle withdrawals

Question No: 17      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the following is responsible for the supervision of non banking financial institutions?
       State Bank
       Chamber of commerce
       Ministry of finance
Lecture # 19
The responsibility for supervision of nonbank finance companies has been separated and transferred to Securities Exchange Commission.
Question No: 18      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In which of the following forms the National Investment Trust units are traded?
Lecture # 23
Mutual Funds were introduced in Pakistan in 1962, with the public offering of National
Investment (Unit) Trust (NIT) which is an open-end mutual fund in the public sector.

Question No: 19      ( Marks: 3 )
For investment purpose customers always judge the profitability of the bank. To attract more customers how a bank can enhance its profitability?
Banks can increase their customer base and their profitability by providing all services under one roof namely traditional banking services and the more modern financaial services like investment banking, credit card services, mutual fund services, life insurance products. Also by charging customers based on their credit profie i.e higher charges for low credit worthy clients they can increase their charges and fees. Also by developing new products which will be used by people in their everyday life and than charging a small fee for the same the banks can increase their profits.
Question No: 20      ( Marks: 3 )
Define merchant banks.
Merchant banks are those banks which are involved in any type of trading. These kind of banks also provide shares to customers. They also buy and sell companies. They raise capital for the companies in various ways like IPO, Debt instruments and convertible instruments.
Question No: 21      ( Marks: 5 )
Pakistan is not able to sustain growth over the long term. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons to support your answer.
Pakistan has been trying like all its neighbours to achieve a growth in excess of 7%however there have been multiple of factors that has pegged it back namely, the US led war in Afghanistan, the earthquakes, which have happened, the riots that have taken place in Karachi, global slowdown, the ever present threat of a war with India. Inspite of all these factors Pakistan economy has shown great strength and determination in achieving growth of 7% in few years.
Question No: 22      ( Marks: 5 )
Banks provide investment facilities to its customers. How customers can judge the management soundness and profitability of the banks?
The financial statements of the banks are not easy for everyone to interpret. As a result in order to judge the management soundness what one can do is check the various operational and profitability ratios of the concerned banks against the ones shown by the good banks and against the averages for the banking industry. One of the ratio is the amount of income generated against the expenses incurred to earn the same. This will enable us to know the margin of safety. Another way can be to compare the interest income against interest expense. Also one can compare how much fixed expenses are being incurred, how much are the overheads etc and compare with other banks to see the soundness of management.
Question No: 23      ( Marks: 5 )
If State Bank has capital shortage and wants to borrow, what are the possible sources through which it can get loan?
In order to raise liquidity the SBP can do the following:
1) Sell securities in the open market and raise cash.
2) Change the reserve requirements of the bank.
3) Borrow from domestic lenders and financial institutions.
4) Issue new domestic bonds.
5) Borrow from external agencies like the IMF or ADB.
6) Issue foreign bonds to Pakistanis residing abroad.
7) Issue foreign bonds to the world markets.

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Exam Papers MGT604 (BNK604): Mangmnt of Financial Institutions BNK604 Midterm 2010 Paper Shared by Mehreen Humayun

BNK604 Midterm 2010 Paper Shared by Mehreen Humayun

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BNK604 Midterm 2010 Paper Shared by Mehreen Humayun


Fall 2010

BNK604 - Management of Financial Institutions

Shared by Mehreen Humayun ( mehreen@vuzs.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )

Time: 60 min

Marks: 39

Question No: 1      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Pension funds are the example of: 

Financial intermediaries 

Financial markets 



Question No: 2      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In Pakistan regulation and supervision of the banking industry is settled by: 

National bank 


State bank 

Ministry of finance

Question No: 3      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Through which one of the following central bank influences the money supply in an economy: 

Monetary policy 

Prudential regulations 

Open market operation 

Banking ordinance 

Question No: 4      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Buying of securities results in printing of new money and lowering the supply of specific security this process is known as:  

Purchase of securities 

Repurchase of securities 

Discounting of securities 

Rediscounting of securities

Question No: 5      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Financial regulators, such as the______________ supervises the capital markets in their respective countries to ensure that investors are protected against frauds.  

State bank  

International chamber of commerce 

Security & exchange commission 

Banking inspection department

Question No: 6      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is NOT the division of exchange policy department? 

Policy division 

Exchange companies division 

Investment division 

Recruitment division 

Question No: 7      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Banks seek to maximize____________ for a given amount of risk on their balance sheet. 





Lecture # 28

Banks seek to maximize profitability for a given amount of risk on their balance sheet.

Question No: 8      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The amount of capital a bank is required to hold is the function of which one of the following? 

The amount of required reserve  

The credit rating requirement 

The amount and quality of assets 

Leverage requirement 

Lecture # 16

The amount of capital a bank is required to hold is a function of the amount and quality of its assets.

Question No: 9      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Mutual funds belong to a group of financial intermediaries known as: 


Investment companies 


Pension funds 

Insurance companies 

Question No: 10      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is responsible for overall governance of the mutual funds? 



Government's agent 


Lecture # 22

The directors of the fund are responsible for overall governance of the fund.

Question No: 11      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

ACAC is the acronym of which of the following? 

Access customer advocate center 

Agricultural credit advisory committee 

Agricultural credit accounting committee 

Agricultural credit accounting commission  

Question No: 12      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following functions is NOT performed by the audit department? 

Financial audit 

Operational audit 

Information technology audit 

Research & development

Question No: 13      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following stands for GFS?

Government Finance Statistics

Global Field Services

Global Financial System

Global Forecast System

Question No: 14      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following countries got the first loan from World Bank?




United States of America

Question No: 15      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following channels of commercial banks is known as computerized telecommunications device?


Automated teller machine

Telephone banking

Online banking

Question No: 16      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following role is played by the board of directors of a bank?

Make deposits

Make loans

Oversee bank activities

Handle withdrawals

Question No: 17      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is responsible for the supervision of non banking financial institutions?

Securities & exchange commission

State Bank

Chamber of commerce

Ministry of finance

Lecture # 19

The responsibility for supervision of nonbank finance companies has been separated and transferred to Securities Exchange Commission.

Question No: 18      ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In which of the following forms the National Investment Trust units are traded?





Lecture # 23

Mutual Funds were introduced in Pakistan in 1962, with the public offering of National

Investment (Unit) Trust (NIT) which is an open-end mutual fund in the public sector.

Question No: 19      ( Marks: 3 )

For investment purpose customers always judge the profitability of the bank. To attract more customers how a bank can enhance its profitability?


Banks can increase their customer base and their profitability by providing all services under one roof namely traditional banking services and the more modern financaial services like investment banking, credit card services, mutual fund services, life insurance products. Also by charging customers based on their credit profie i.e higher charges for low credit worthy clients they can increase their charges and fees. Also by developing new products which will be used by people in their everyday life and than charging a small fee for the same the banks can increase their profits.

Question No: 20      ( Marks: 3 )

Define merchant banks.


Merchant banks are those banks which are involved in any type of trading. These kind of banks also provide shares to customers. They also buy and sell companies. They raise capital for the companies in various ways like IPO, Debt instruments and convertible instruments.

Question No: 21      ( Marks: 5 )

Pakistan is not able to sustain growth over the long term. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons to support your answer.


Pakistan has been trying like all its neighbours to achieve a growth in excess of 7%however there have been multiple of factors that has pegged it back namely, the US led war in Afghanistan, the earthquakes, which have happened, the riots that have taken place in Karachi, global slowdown, the ever present threat of a war with India. Inspite of all these factors Pakistan economy has shown great strength and determination in achieving growth of 7% in few years.

Question No: 22      ( Marks: 5 )

Banks provide investment facilities to its customers. How customers can judge the management soundness and profitability of the banks?


The financial statements of the banks are not easy for everyone to interpret. As a result in order to judge the management soundness what one can do is check the various operational and profitability ratios of the concerned banks against the ones shown by the good banks and against the averages for the banking industry. One of the ratio is the amount of income generated against the expenses incurred to earn the same. This will enable us to know the margin of safety. Another way can be to compare the interest income against interest expense. Also one can compare how much fixed expenses are being incurred, how much are the overheads etc and compare with other banks to see the soundness of management.

Question No: 23      ( Marks: 5 )

If State Bank has capital shortage and wants to borrow, what are the possible sources through which it can get loan?


In order to raise liquidity the SBP can do the following:

1) Sell securities in the open market and raise cash.

2) Change the reserve requirements of the bank.

3) Borrow from domestic lenders and financial institutions.

4) Issue new domestic bonds.

5) Borrow from external agencies like the IMF or ADB.

6) Issue foreign bonds to Pakistanis residing abroad.

7) Issue foreign bonds to the world markets.

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MCQs MGT604 (BNK604): Mangmnt of Financial Institutions BNK604-MCQ Solved with Ref-Mehreen Humayun-01

BNK604-MCQ Solved with Ref-Mehreen Humayun-01

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Management of Financial Institutions

Lesson 1-22
Solved by Mehreen Humayun

Which one of the following introduced banking regulations?


 State bank


Securities & exchange commission
International chamber of commerce
State Bank of Pakistan commenced its operation on:
Sept 1, 1947
July 1, 1948
July 1, 1949
August 1, 1964
Physical infrastructure includes:

Technological expertise


All of the given options
The physical infrastructure includes power plants, power grids, oil and natural gas refineries, water treatment facilities, aqueducts, highways, railroads, ports, and hospitals. 
Physical infrastructure includes airports, bridges, tunnels, roads, ports, and other fixed portions of transportation systems, power generation and distribution facilities, water and waste facilities, government buildings, and public arenas. 
How many teams are dedicated to the financial & operational audit by the audit department?
Audit has three dedicated teams for Financial & Operational audit and one team for I.T audit.

Foundation of the banks is shaken due to which one of the following?


Capital requirement
Reserve requirement
Loan quality
Value of security
Lecture # 16
Loans are a bank's primary asset category and when loan quality becomes suspect, the foundation of a bank is shaken to the core.

How many teams are dedicated to the IT audit by the audit department?


Audit has three dedicated teams for Financial & Operational audit and one team for I.T audit.
Which one of the following is the best describes the word ISC?

International security conference


International standards council
Integrated satellite control
Investment service cell
Lecture # 7
Investment Services Cell (ISC)

The New York Stock Exchange is an example of:


A financial instrument
A central bank
A financial market
A Financial institution
A good example of a financial market is a stock exchange.
Consultations with the IMF are a core function of:

Economic Policy Department


Bank inspection department
Domestic market & monetary management department
Banking surveillance department
Lecture # 9

ADB is the abbreviation of:


Asian development bank
Asian domestic bank
Agricultural development bank
African development bank
Lecture # 9
ADB: Asian development Bank.
Which of the following have direct relation with the increase in foreign remittances?
Foreign direct investment
Foreign debts
Foreign exchange reserves
New relations
Lecture # 14
Foreign remittances will help in building up the foreign exchange reserves, thereby reducing the demand on the public debt.
The life insurance company provides insurance for all of these except:
Life insurance
Pension funds
Lecture # 2
Life insurance companies, which sell life insurance, annuities and pensions products.

Which of the following organization is established with a view of liberalization of international trade?


World Bank
World trade organization
International monetary fund
Asian development bank
Lecture # 12
(WTO) is an international organization designed to supervise and liberalize international trade.

All of the followings are the risk commercial banks faced EXCEPT:


Liquidity risk
Credit risk
Interest rate risk
Capital adequacy risk
Lecture # 16
Bank Crisis: Risks include liquidity risk (the risk that many depositors will request withdrawals beyond available funds), credit risk (the risk that those who owe money to the bank will not repay), Interest rate risk (the risk that the bank will become unprofitable if rising interest rates force it to pay relatively more on its deposits than it receives on its loans), among others.

How many countries are the members of Asian development bank from all over world?


Lecture # 12
ADB now has 67 members - of which 48 are from within Asia and the Pacific and 19 outside.

Which one of the following is an entity responsible for the monetary policy of its country?


Commercial bank
Central bank
Ministry of finance
Security and exchange commission

In which year Asian development bank started its operation in Pakistan?





Lecture # 12
ADB started its operations for Pakistan in 1968.
Currency and bank reserves together make up the monetary base called:

M1 & M2


M3 & M5
M2 & M5
M1 & M3
Lecture # 4
Currency and bank reserves together make up the monetary base, called M1 and M2.
Which of the following is the favorite sector in which investors have interest?



Small & medium

Lecture # 14


With the rapid growth in Pakistan's economy, foreign investors are taking a keen interest in the corporate sector of Pakistan.
Mutual funds are managed by some specialists called: 
Money managers
Insurance companies
Leasing companies
Lecture # 22
 Mutual funds are operated by money mangers

Fiscal policy is the responsibility of: 

 Ministry of economic affairs

  Ministry of finance

  State bank of Pakistan

  Ministry of trade & commerce

The market which facilitates the trading of short term debt financing is: 

 Capital market

 Derivative market

 Money market

 Forex market

GDP can be defined as: 

 A measure of the total flow of goods and services produced over a specified time period, usually a year

 Sum of the money values of all the final goods and services produced in a year by the residents 

 A measure of the money value of goods and services available to a nation from economic activity

 How much the average person makes in that country 


0 #1 lost heart 2010-11-15 17:08
very nice good effort mehreen specially references are very helpful

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MCQs MGT604 (BNK604): Mangmnt of Financial Institutions BNK604-MCQ Solved with Ref-Mehreen Humayun-02

BNK604-MCQ Solved with Ref-Mehreen Humayun-02

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 Management of Financial Institutions


Lesson 1-22
Solved by Mehreen Humayun
< msheroo79@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
FERA refers to:
Federal emergency relief administration
Foreign exchange regulation act
Fire and explosion risk analyses
Frame error rate analysis
Lecture # 10
In which of the following channel banks contact their customers through telephones?

Automated teller machine

Telephone banking
Online banking
Lecture # 15
Which one of the following depicts the main purpose of creating the reserves?

To cover the deficiencies in banks of accounts

To meet the personal needs
To use as cash in hand
To fall back upon from contingent situations
The discounting rate of the first class bills by the state bank is called which of the following?

Bank Rate

Prime Lending Rate
Loan Rate
Discounting Rate
Lecture # 4
NPL can be defined as:
Non-Patent Literature
Non performing loan
National Price List
Non Procedural Language
Lecture # 18
Through which of the following we can lower the average cost of production?
Economies of scale
Economies of scope
Foreign exchange risk
Sovereign risk
Where directors hold majority their family representation has been limited up to what point?


Lecture # 18
Family representation on the Board of Directors of the banks where they hold majority ownership has been limited to 25 percent of the total membership of the Board.
Which of the following ordinance deals with delay in recovery of loans?

Financial institutions ordinance 2001

Banking company's ordinance 1962
Income tax ordinance 2001
Company's ordinance 1984
Lecture # 18
Legal difficulties and time delays in recovery of defaulted loans have been removed through a new ordinance i.e. The Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001.
Banks are required to assess themselves from which of the following?

State bank

Credit rating agencies
Chamber of commerce
Ministry of finance
Lecture # 19
Which of the following institution has been charged with the supervision of non banking financial institutions?

Securities & exchange commission

State bank
Chamber of commerce
Ministry of finance
Lecture # 19
The responsibility for supervision of nonbank finance companies has been separated and transferred to Securities Exchange Commission.
The primary obligation of the central bank is to keep balance of trade and balance of payment in which of the following sequence:

Balance of Payment = 0

Balance of Payment > Balance of Trade
Balance of Trade > Balance of Payment
Balance of Payment = Balance of Trade
Which one of the following is not the main purpose behind the independence of central bank?

Legal independence

Goals independence
Resource independence
Management independence
Ref: The literature on central bank independence has defined a number of types of independence:
  1. Legal independence
  2. Goal independence
  3. Operational independence
  4. Management independence

SWIFT was established in which country?



Lecture # 17
SWIFT is a cooperative society under Belgian.

Short-term obligations that are bought and sold in the money market include all EXCEPT:


Treasury bills

Raw commodities
Commercial paper
Banker's acceptances
The discounting rate of the first class bills by the state bank is called which of the following?

Bank Rate

Prime Lending Rate
Loan Rate
Discounting Rate
Which one of the following is the financial capital of Pakistan?


Lecture # 6
The headquarters are located in the financial capital of Pakistan, Karachi.

Which of the following banks make the socially-responsible investments?


Private banks

Postal banks
Ethical banks
Offshore banks
Lecture # 15
Ethical banks: banks that prioritize the transparency of all operations and make only what they consider to be socially-responsible investments.
Which of the following department is charged with computation of domestic public debt?
Banking inspection department
Finance department
Legal services department
Economic policy department
Lecture # 9
Which of the following is NOT a function of Commercial Banks?
Print money
Make loans
Take deposits
Invest money
Which of the following source contributes more towards profit generation for banks?
Lending services
ATM services
Locker services
Ancillary services
Lecture # 15
Many banks offer ancillary financial services to make additional profit; for example, most banks also rent safe deposit boxes in their branches.
All are the international donor agencies in Pakistan EXCEPT:

Paris club
World Bank
Lecture # 8
Which of the following is an impediment in the economic prosperity of Pakistan?
Increasing level of social development
High industrial growth
Increasing burden
Stable law and order situation
World Bank established at:
Dec 27, 1944
Jun 15, 1945
Dec 27, 1945
July 30, 1946
Lecture #11




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MCQs MGT604 (BNK604): Mangmnt of Financial Institutions BNK604-MCQ Solved with Ref-Mehreen Humayun-03

BNK604-MCQ Solved with Ref-Mehreen Humayun-03

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 Management of Financial Institutions


Lesson 1-22
Solved by Mehreen Humayun
< msheroo79@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >


Buying of securities results in printing of new money and lowered the supply of specific security this process is known as:

Purchase of securities
Repurchase of securities
Discounting of securities
Rediscounting of securities
Banks assess the position of their customers from:

Marketing & promotion expenditures
Total value of capital
Total value of assets
Overall financial condition of business
Lecture # 15
Commercial Lending: For centuries, the banking industry only dealt with businesses, not consumers. Commercial lending today is a very intense activity, with banks carefully analyzing the financial condition of their business clients to determine the level of risk in each loan transaction.
The market where primary products are exchanged is known as:
Stock market
Equity market
Commodity market
Primary market
Ref: Commodity markets are markets where raw or primary products are exchanged. 
Distribution of resources among the provinces is carried out through which of the following institution in Pakistan?
National Finance Commission
National Economic Council
The Council of Common Interest
All of the given options
Lecture # 13
The Council of Common Interest, National Economic Council, and National Finance Commission are three institutions that are concerned with the distribution of the resources among the provinces.

The control of Prudential bank was handed over to which of the following group?

Albarka group
Alfalah group
Al-habib group
Saudi Pak group
Lecture # 18
Which of the following banking reform has been introduced with an aim to facilitate the depositors to decide in which bank to deposit their saving?
Credit rating
Debit rating
Lecture # 19
Which one of the following is NOT the responsibility of money & credit department?
Analysis of lending rates
Preparing credit plans
Inflation watch
Analyze developments in the financial markets
Family representation on the Board of Directors of the banks where they hold majority ownership has been limited to which of the following?


Lecture # 18

"Banks of issue" are the banks that issue _________ as legal tender.

Lecture # 2
Which one of the following also known as the debt, credit, or fixed income market?

Equity Market
Bond Market
Forex Market
Stock Market
Ref: The bond market (also known as the debt, credit, or fixed income market) is a financial market where participants buy and sell debt securities, usually in the form of bonds. 
The market where primary products are exchanged is known as:

Stock Market
Equity Market
Commodity Market
Primary Market
Ref: Commodities are agreements to buy and sell virtually anything except, for some reason. The primary commodities that are traded are oil, gold and agricultural products. 

Which one of the following bank has the primary responsibility to stable the national currency and money supply?


Habib Bank Limited (HBL)

Allied Bank Limited (ABL)
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP)
Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
Lecture # 2
Which of the following provides strategic advisory services for mergers, acquisitions and other financial transactions?

Investment bank

Commercial bank
SME bank
Microfinance bank
Lecture # 2
Following are called as the Governor of the state bank EXCEPT:

Chief Executive officer

Managing Director
Acting manager
Lecture # 3
A central bank is usually headed by a governor, but the titles are president, chief executive, and managing director respectively.
What types of activities are performed by the Quasi Government entities?

Provide assistance to government

Manage foreign exchange reserves
Make investment on behalf of government
Financing imports and exports
Lecture # 3
The World Bank has announced the lending schedule for Pakistan in which they declared the loan of:

$ 4 billion

$ 6.5 billion
$ 8 billion
$ 9.5 billion
Lecture # 13
The World Bank unveiled a lending program of up to $6.5 billion for Pakistan under a new four-year, 2006-2009.
Central banks are ______ bodies.

Profit oriented

Lecture # 15
Central banks are non-commercial bodies or government agencies often charged with controlling interest rates and money supply across the whole economy.
All of the followings are the functions of finance department EXCEPT:

Maintenance of books of accounts & preparation of statement of bank

Maintenance of foreign currency accounts
Intervention in foreign exchange market
Currency issuance and its overall management
Lecture # 8
The total members in the Asian development bank are:


Lecture # 12
Asian development bank: It is a multilateral development financial institution owned by 67 members, 48 from the region and 19 from other parts of the globe.
Which of the following is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time?

Balance of payment

Balance of trade
Capital account
Financial account
Lecture # 5
The balance of trade is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time.

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MCQs MGT604 (BNK604): Mangmnt of Financial Institutions BNK604-MCQ Solved with Ref-Mehreen Humayun-06

BNK604-MCQ Solved with Ref-Mehreen Humayun-06

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Management of Financial Institutions
Lesson 1-22
Solved by Mehreen Humayun
< msheroo79@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Which of the following factor can act as barrier to entry for new banks in banking industry? 
High margins
High profitability
High tax rates
High returns
FCPEs stands for: 
Faculty Center for Professional Excellence 
FLIP Chart Production Environment
Fund for Children and Public Education
Former Centrally Planned Economies
Lecture # 1
The economic transformation under way in the former centrally planned economies
(FCPEs) was motivated in part by the recognition that central planning has failed to allocate financial and real resources efficiently.
The primary assets category of banks is:
Lecture # 16
Loans are a bank's primary asset category.
Which of the following banking reform has increased the manufacture of household products like refrigerators, microwave ovens, TVs etc.? 
Capitan strengthening
Improved asset quality
Consumer financing
Mortgage financing
Lecture # 18
Consumer Financing: The State Bank has removed restrictions imposed on nationalized commercial banks for consumer financing. The positive experience of auto financing gives a lot of hope that the middle class of this country will be able to access consumer durables through banks. This will at the same time boost the manufacturing of TVs, air-conditioners, VCRs, washing and drying machines, deep freezers etc. in the country.
When prudential regulations were introduced for the first time? 
Lecture # 10
Prudential Regulations were put in place first in 1992.
Capital account can also be called as:
Financial account
Cash account
Assets account
Reserve account
Lecture # 5
Capital account (or financial account)
As a depositor, you want high return on your saving, you will go for the bank with rating_____.
B rating
C rating
B or C rating
AA rating
According to new prudential regulation by State Bank of Pakistan, ________ requires asset conversion cycle and cash flow generation instead of collateral for loan approval.
Large enterprises
Medium enterprises
Small enterprises
Lecture # 18
Prudential regulations for SMEs do not require collateral but asset conversion cycle and
cash flow generation as the basis for loan approval.
Short-term financial instrument used in the money market is known as
Ref: Money market trades in short-term financial instruments commonly called "paper." 

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