Friday, May 20, 2011

Re: (Attock VU Group) now completed


2011/5/20 Madiha Malik <>
wow Zabardast

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Max <> wrote:
/SSSSS.      HH    HH             AAA            ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ   IIIIII           AAA           
SSSSSS      HH    HH           AA  AA           ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ      II           AA AA               
SS               HH    HH          AA    AA                            ZZZ        II          AA   AA
SS               HH    HH         AA      AA                       ZZZ            II         AA     AA
SSSSS        HHHHHH        AAAAAAA                   ZZZ               II        AAAAAAA
  SSSS        HHHHHH       AAAAAAAA                ZZZ                 II       AAAAAAAA
        SS       HH    HH      AA            AA             ZZZ                   II      AA           AA
        SS       HH    HH     AA              AA          ZZZ                     II     AA             AA
 SSSSS       HH    HH    AA                AA       ZZZZZZZZZZZ       II    AA               AA
 SSSS/        HH    HH   AA                   AA     ZZZZZZZZZZZZ   IIIIII  AA                AA

 WHAT U THINK NOW ?????????????????????

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Shazia <> wrote:
aap manually create kertay hain........???

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Max <> wrote:
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Group Basic Rules:
Earning program links, Cell number, Websites/Groups Links, Adult contents, Spamming, Immoral & Rudish talk are strictly prohibited and banned in group.
Follow these detailed Group Rules, otherwise you will be banned at any time.
Group Email Address:
Join group by sending a blank email from University ID at:

Group Basic Rules:
Earning program links, Cell number, Websites/Groups Links, Adult contents, Spamming, Immoral & Rudish talk are strictly prohibited and banned in group.
Islamic sharing related to any specific class of Muslim is not allowed.
General Islamic sharing e.g Quran, Hadith without labeling any class of Muslim is allowed. Remove the label of any Type Muslim class and link while you are sharing any Islamic stuff. Respect and care the feelings of all classes of Muslim community.
Follow these detailed Group Rules, otherwise you will be banned at any time.
Group Email Address:
Join group by sending a blank email from University ID at:

Group Basic Rules:
Earning program links, Cell number, Websites/Groups Links, Adult contents, Spamming, Immoral & Rudish talk are strictly prohibited and banned in group.
Islamic sharing related to any specific class of Muslim is not allowed.
General Islamic sharing e.g Quran, Hadith without labeling any class of Muslim is allowed. Remove the label of any Type Muslim class and link while you are sharing any Islamic stuff. Respect and care the feelings of all classes of Muslim community.
Follow these detailed Group Rules, otherwise you will be banned at any time.
Group Email Address:
Join group by sending a blank email from University ID at:


الذي يحب من أي وقت مضى للقاء الله، إن الله يحب لقاءه

Who ever loves to meet ALLAH, ALLAH loves to meet him

MCS First Semister

Imaan Ki Salamti

Group Basic Rules:
Earning program links, Cell number, Websites/Groups Links, Adult contents, Spamming, Immoral & Rudish talk are strictly prohibited and banned in group.
Islamic sharing related to any specific class of Muslim is not allowed.
General Islamic sharing e.g Quran, Hadith without labeling any class of Muslim is allowed. Remove the label of any Type Muslim class and link while you are sharing any Islamic stuff. Respect and care the feelings of all classes of Muslim community.
Follow these detailed Group Rules, otherwise you will be banned at any time.
Group Email Address:
Join group by sending a blank email from University ID at:

Group Basic Rules:
Earning program links, Cell number, Websites/Groups Links, Adult contents, Spamming, Immoral & Rudish talk are strictly prohibited and banned in group.
Islamic sharing related to any specific class of Muslim is not allowed.
General Islamic sharing e.g Quran, Hadith without labeling any class of Muslim is allowed. Remove the label of any Type Muslim class and link while you are sharing any Islamic stuff. Respect and care the feelings of all classes of Muslim community.
Follow these detailed Group Rules, otherwise you will be banned at any time.
Group Email Address:
Join group by sending a blank email from University ID at:

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