Monday, April 2, 2012

(Attock VU Group) MIDTerm_CS101_s4_solved

Mid Term 


Question No: 1    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Human are better than computers at:

       ► Efficiency

       ► Accuracy

       ► Pattern recognition

       ► None of the given choices

Question No: 2    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Cray-1 was first commercial _________ computer

       ► Super

       ► Mini

       ► Micro

       ► Personal 

Question No: 3    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 URL is a/an ________

       ► Device

       ► Component

       ► Address

       ► Tool 

Question No: 4    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Mainframe Computers are also called _____

       ► Enterprise Servers

       ► Personal Servers

       ► Enterprise Managers

       ► Window Servers

Question No: 5    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Which of the following is NOT a category of Mobile Computers?

       ► Laptop

       ► Palmtop

       ► Desktop

       ► Wearable

Question No: 6    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Preliminary exploration of possible solutions, technologies, suppliers is called

       ► Viability

       ► Feasibility

       ► Specification

       ► Integration

Question No: 7    ( M a r k s: 1 ) CS101  Mid Term Papers

__________ give us the ability to manipulate data through reference instead of actual


       ► Constants

       ► Variables

       ► Data Types

       ► Operators

Question No: 8    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Consider the following statement written in JavaScript:

 str = "Hello" + " World"


What will be the value of str ?

       ► HelloWorld

       ► Hello World

       ► Hello + World

       ► It will result in error

Question No: 9    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 A tool that helps you to find the synonyms is called ______________

       ► Language

       ► Paragraph

       ► Thesaurus

       ► Symbol   

Question No: 10    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Communication protocol is a __________that governs the flow of information over a


       ► Set of protocols

       ► Set of rules

       ► Device

       ► Set of methods

Question No: 11    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 If a computer could pass the Turing test  then it would be able to:

       ► think like human beings

       ► do the things faster

       ► win a million dollar prize

       ► store more information  

Question No: 12    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 The first Web browser with a GUI was generally available in:

       ► 1992

       ► 1993

       ► 1994

       ► 1995

Question No: 13    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Web is a unique invention by humans in terms that it is:

       ► accessible to only the owners who control it

       ► accessible from particular locations only

       ► accessible to all humans

       ► accessible to only the educational institutes

Question No: 14    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 In this URL , _____identifies the domain name

       ► http

       ► www

       ► msn

       ► com

   Question No: 15    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 ______ is simply a fast port that lets you connect computer peripherals and consumer

electronics to your computer without restart.

       ► Freeware

       ► Shareware

       ► Firewire

       ► Firmware

Question No: 16    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Which of the following is NOT supported by PC's power supply.

       ► -12 and +12  V DC

       ► -10  and +10 V DC

       ► -5 and + 5 V DC

       ► All are supported  

Question No: 17    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 In which case Cache Memory is used

       ► To increase RAM speed

       ► To overcome BUS speed

       ► To overcome Speed rate between RAM and CPU

       ► To overcome CPU speed

Question No: 18    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 To display a single line text area on the web page, we use ___ tag

       ► TEXT

       ► TEXTBOX

       ► INPUT

       ► INPUTBOX    

Question No: 19    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 If an algorithm is syntactically correct, but semantically incorrect then this situation is

       ► Very good situation

       ► Very dangerous situation

       ► Not very bad

       ► Neutral situation

Question No: 20    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Users communicate with the computer using a consistent user interface provided by the


       ► True

       ► False  

Question No: 21    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Application developers do not need to know much about the HW, especially the

microProcessor, while they are developing their application.

       ► True

       ► False

Question No: 22    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 The first spread sheet program was invented by

       ► Charles Babbage

       ► Dan Bricklin

       ► Paul Graham

       ► John von Neumann

Question No: 23    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Which representation technique of algorithm is more suitable for developer to make

actual code___________.

       ► pseudo code

       ► flow chart

       ► both pseudo code and flow chart

       ► Heuristics 

 Question No: 24    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 _____________ is used to terminate all JavaScript statements.

       ► Colon

       ► Semicolon

       ► Underscore

       ► Apostrophe

    Question No: 25    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 In java script cookies can be created for future use_____.

       ► Easily

       ► No facility at all

       ► This is not possible without Java language.

       ► Cookies are files so java script can not handle it. 

Question No: 26    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 When the microprocessor desires to look at a piece of data, it checks in

the __________ first.

       ► RAM

       ► ROM

       ► hard disk

       ► cache  

Question No: 27    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 What is the basic difference between 'magnetic tapes' and 'floppy disks' ?


Question No: 28    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 What was the name of first microprocessor built by Intel ?

Answer:  The Intel 4004.

 Question No: 29    ( M a r k s: 2 )

 What was the name of first super computer. When it was introduced?


1.)    ENIAC is the first super computer in world

2.)    Supercomputers were introduced in the 1960s and were designed primarily by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC)

Question No: 30    ( M a r k s: 3 )

 Write a short note on blue pacific Super Computer.

 Answer:   At the high end of supercomputing are computers like IBM's "Blue Pacific," announced

on October 29, 1998. Built in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, Blue Pacific is reported to operated at 3.9 teraflop (trillion floating point operations per second), 15,000 times faster than the average personal computer. It consists of 5,800 processors containing a total of 2.6 trillion bytes of memory and interconnected with five miles of cable.

Question No: 31    ( M a r k s: 5 )

 What are JavaScript literal and what are its types?

Answer:  JavaScript Literals

A data value that appears directly in a statement

Literals can be of several types.  Some of them are:




Numeric Literals


JavaScript stores all numbers, even integers, as floating-point numbers

String Literals

"" , ''Bhola" , "Where is the Bhola Continental Hotel?"

String literals are always enclosed in a matching pair of single or double quotes

Boolean Literals

True, false ,

 if ( tankFull == false)

addMoreWater = true

Question No: 32    ( M a r k s: 5 )

Can you say that URL and semantic web sites are same? Justify your answer by defining

Spring 2009

CS101- Introduction to Computing (Session - 6)

Time: 60 min

M a r k s: 43


Question No: 1    ( M a r k s: 1 )

Cray-1 was first commercial _________ computer

       ► Super

       ► Mini

       ► Micro

       ► Personal


Question No: 2    ( M a r k s: 1 )

Browser is a __________________ used for browsing.

       ► Tool

       ► Component

       ► Device

       ► None of the given choices


Question No: 3    ( M a r k s: 1 )

It represents the _____________ flow chart element.


       ► Flow Line

       ► Connector

       ► Off-page connector

       ► Start or Stop


Question No: 4    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 JavaScript is an example of  _____________ language.


       ► Object-based

       ► Object-oriented

       ► Machine

       ► Assembly


Question No: 5    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 The set of rules and guidelines a team of developers follow to construct reasonably complex SW systems is called


       ► Object Oriented Design

       ► Object Oriented Software

       ► Design Methodology

       ► Programming language


Question No: 6    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Waterfall is a _________ life-cycle model.


       ► Spiral

       ► Sequential

       ► Circular

       ► Spherical


Question No: 7    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 What happens if I start a new list without closing the original one?

       ► An error will be generated

       ► A nested list will be created


       ► Previous list will end and a new will start.


       ► Nothing will happen



Question No: 8    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 In Spreadsheets, you can create a relationship between two cells by using _____.


       ► Numbers

       ► Text

       ► Formulas

       ► None of the given choices


Question No: 9    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 VisiCalc was the first popular _______application on PC's.


       ► Spreadsheet

       ► Word processor

       ► Presentation

       ► Database


Question No: 10    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Fins are used to --------------


       ► Communicate with microprocessor

       ► Increase surface area of Fan

       ► Decrease surface area of Fan

       ► Speed up the Fan.


Question No: 11    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Using only HTML we can create


       ► Dynamic web pages


       ► Static web pages


       ► Both Static and Dynamic pages


       ► None of these



Question No: 12    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Everything that JavaScript manipulates is treated as:

       ► Object


       ► Window


       ► Text


       ► Script



Question No: 13    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 The ______ is connected to all other modules of the microprocessor.


       ► Control unit

       ► Memory unit

       ► Floating Point unit

       ► Arithmetic and Logic unit


Question No: 14    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Communication protocol is a __________that governs the flow of information over a network

       ► Set of protocols

       ► Set of rules

       ► Device

       ► Set of methods


Question No: 15    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 _________ is the interface in computer that supports transmission of multiple bits at the same time.

       ► Serial Port

       ► Parallel Port

       ► Universal Serial Bus

       ► None of the given choices


Question No: 16    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 _____ was designed as a replacement for typewriter

       ► Spreadsheet Software

       ► Word Processor Software

       ► Presentation Software

       ► Database Software


Question No: 17    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Which one of these translates the program once at a time ?

       ► Interpreter

       ► Compiler

       ► Operating system

       ► Translator


Question No: 18    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Randomized algorithms are often ________ than deterministic algorithms for the same problem.

       ► Simpler and more slow

       ► Simpler and more efficient

       ► Complex and more efficient

       ► Complex and more slow


Question No: 19    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Ada written a computer programme for ?


       ► Analytical Engine


       ► Difference Engine


       ► Harvard Mark 1


       ► Mechanical engine



Question No: 20    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 A test proposed to determine if a computer has the ability to think. It is called?


       ► Turing test


       ► Turning test


       ► Intelligence test


       ► None



Question No: 21    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 The most used form tag is the  tag.


       ► True

       ► False


Question No: 22    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 When the user clicks on the "Submit" button, the content of the form is sent to the server.


       ► True

       ► False


Question No: 23    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Extension for saving web page is / are;

       ► *.html

       ► *.htm

       ► *.html and *.htm both are in use

       ► None of These


Question No: 24    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 In spread sheet a cell may contain


       ► Numbers

       ► Text

       ► Formulas

       ► All of the given


Question No: 25    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Programs where no user interaction found during program execution are called __________.       


       ► Batch programs

       ► Event-driven programs

       ► Graphics based programs

       ►  None of the given


Question No: 26    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 OO software is all about _____________.





       ► Behaviors

       ► Methods

       ► Properties

       ► Objects


Question No: 27    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 What is the key feature of batch programs?

Answer: The key feature is no user interaction with computer while a program is running.   


Question No: 28    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Name two languages which are used for client side scripting?

Answer: Javascript , VBscript  


Question No: 29    ( M a r k s: 2 )

 What is the purpose of MODEM ?

Answer: It receive data analog signal from a phone line and then convert them into digital signal and send back to the computer with which it is attached. It also receives data from computer and convert it into analog signals.  


Question No: 30    ( M a r k s: 3 )

 What is Home Page of a web site?

Answer: For a web user it is a first page displayed when a user starts a web browser and for a web developer it is a first page when a user selects a site.


Question No: 31    ( M a r k s: 5 )

 Why microprocessor uses the binary number system and not the decimal or any other number system?

Answer: Because this system is natural for digital computer. Digital computer have fundamental building blocks like ON & OFF Etc so it is natural to represent those in a number system that has only two symbols e.g Binary Numbers 0,1. Whereas decimal system is natural for human.



Question No: 32    ( M a r k s: 5 )

 What is the difference between Interactive-mode and Batch-mode Application Software?

Answer: Batch-mode: This Mode Program has no user interaction with computer while a program is running e.g Paroll

Interactive-mode: The user runs the program on the computer and keeps interacting with the computer while a program is running e.g word processor

Fall 2009

CS101- Introduction to Computing (Session - 4)


Time: 60 min

M a r k s: 43

Question No: 1    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Human are better than computers at:       

► Pattern recognition


       ► Efficiency

       ► Accuracy

       ► Pattern recognition

       ► None of the given choices


Question No: 2    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 The memory size of the Altair 8800 was► 256 bytes

       ► 128 bytes

       ► 128 Kilo bytes

       ► 256 Kilo bytes

       ► 256 bytes


Question No: 3    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Information on World Wide Web is __► Logically _____________ unified.

       ► Physically

       ► Logically

       ► Really

       ► None of the given choices


Question No: 4    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Mainframe Computers are also called _► Enterprise Servers ____

       ► Enterprise Servers

       ► Personal Servers

       ► Enterprise Managers

       ► Window Servers


Question No: 5    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Which of the following is NOT a category of Mobile Computers? ► Desktop

       ► Laptop

       ► Palmtop

       ► Desktop

       ► Wearable


Question No: 6    ( M a r k s: 1 )

 Hexadecimal number system is based on -----► 16--------------- digits

       ► 2

       ► 8

       ► 12

       ► 16


Question No: 7    ( M a r k s: 1 )


    tag is used to► create unordered list


           ► underline text

           ► end the line

           ► create ordered list

           ► create unordered list


    Question No: 8    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     Bringing subsystems together to form the system is called       ► Merging


           ► Integration

           ► Merging

           ► Splitting

           ► Operation & Maintenance


    Question No: 9    ( M a r k s: 1 )

            ► Variables

    __________ give us the ability to manipulate data through reference instead of actual value.


           ► Constants

           ► Variables

           ► Data Types

           ► Operators


    Question No: 10    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     In spreadsheets, cell address A12 means _ ► Row 12, Cloumn A



           ► Row A, Cloumn 12

           ► Row 12, Cloumn A

           ► Row 2,Cloumn A1

           ► Row A1, Cloumn 2


    Question No: 11    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     Which of the following is/are the parts of Operating system components?

           ► All of these





           ► GUI

           ► Device Manager

           ► Shell

           ► All of these


    Question No: 12    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     The key feature of Scientific/Engineering/Graphics applications is __    ► Reliability


           ► Intense calculations

           ► User-friendly

           ► Reliability

           ► Cost-effective


    Question No: 13    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     Command which saves the selected text before deleting is

           ► Cut


           ► Copy

            ► Delete

            ► Cut 

           ► Undo



    Question No: 14    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     All the hardware components of the Computer system are installed on--► Motherboard -----------.


           ► Microprocessor

           ► Motherboard

           ► Monitor

           ► Memory


    Question No: 15    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     By default in a web page Hyper Link for another web page is represented as _ Blue and Underlined _______________


           ► Blue only

           ► Black and Underlined

           ► Blue and Bold

           Blue and Underlined 


    Question No: 16    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     A microprocessor can be made more powerful by increasing its _► Clock frequency _______


           ► Clock frequency

           ► Word length

           ► Clock frequency and Word length

           ► None of above


    Question No: 17    ( M a r k s: 1 )

         ► Website


  is a related collection of WWW files that includes a beginning file called a homepage


           ► HTML

           ► Website

           ► HTTP

           ► Web page


    Question No: 18    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     Structures, in which another list starts before the first list is finished, are called: ► Nested Lists

           ► Multiple Lists

           ► Nested Lists

           ► Ordered Lists

           ► Un-ordered Lists


    Question No: 19    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     When the user needs something to be done by the computer, he/she gives instructions in the form of  _Software____ to computerHardware ____

           ► Software, Hardware

           ► Hardware, Software

           ► System Software, Application Software

           ► Graph, Monitor


    Question No: 20    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     Application developers do not need to know much about the_► Hardware

    ________ while they are developing their applications

           ► Software

           ► Hardware

           ► Operating System

           ► Kernel


    Question No: 21    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     Which of the following is NOT an Application Software. Windows XP

           ► Word Processor

           ► Web Browser

           ► Windows XP

           ► MS Excel


    Question No: 22    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     Web Pages developed for human as well computer understanding are called as; ► Dynamic Web Pages

           ► Static Web Pages

           ► Semantic Web Pages

           ► Dynamic Web Pages

           ► Java Web Pages


    Question No: 23    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     JavaScript stores all numbers as _►    ► Strings





           ► Integers

           ► Floating point numbers

           ► Strings

           ► Character values


    Question No: 24    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     Java script and HTML are__► Java  script is case sensitive but HTML is not ________.


           ► case sensitive


           ► Not case sensitive


           ► Java  script is case sensitive but HTML is not


           ► HTML is case sensitive but Java script is not




    Question No: 25    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     A diode functions as the electronic version of a _ two _________-way valve.

           ► one

           ► two

           ► three

           ► four


    Question No: 26    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     The first -► Transistor -------------was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William Shockley.


           ► Transistor


           ► Vacuum Tube



           ► Punch card


           ► Transmitter



    Question No: 27    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     What are compilers used for ?

         Ans: compiler is a softwear that can translate the whole programe in also save the program.

    Question No: 28    ( M a r k s: 1 )

     What is Script?

    Ans: script is a sequence of steps to carry out a work by processor And manage by a language like Javascript and vb scripts.




    Question No: 29    ( M a r k s: 2 )

     What is

      tag in HTML and How it is different from 


    is used for paragraph in HTML language it has a closing tag

    which has no closing tag. Br only used to break the current line while

    can be used for more lines   

    Question No: 30    ( M a r k s: 3 )

     How can you manipulate the address of a file (resource) accessible on the Internet?

    World wide web ,URL, domain name


    Question No: 31    ( M a r k s: 5 )

     Write Hyper Link for a Web Page and for an Email Address.

    Ans: Following are the Hyper link for a web page .pk


        following are the hyperlinks for Email address


    Question No: 32    ( M a r k s: 5 )

     Write down the requirement of Desktop Publishing?

    User requirement


    Softwear requirements

    . Laser printer


     DESktop publishing softwears


     adobe page maker

    Ms publisher

    High end pc with a large screen monitor


    Numerical data





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