Monday, February 13, 2012

(Attock VU Group) یا صباحاہ! مسلمانو! اللہ اور اس کے رسولوں کے ناموس کی خاطر آواز بلند کرو

 Please check the attached files....................................
Below is the link for the ad.

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Re: (Attock VU Group) Express your Love to your Spouse

Jazak Allah shazad bhaya,,,Allah hame hidayat de (Ameen)

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 6:02 AM, Shahzad Sadiq <> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:20 AM, bc110200682 Nadeem Ul Hassan <> wrote:
Islam does not say don't express your love to your spouse.
Everyday is a day you should go out of your way to express your love to him/her. A box of chocolates on one day of the year is meaningless if you are yelling at each other every other day!
And for others, what sort of blessings do we expect to emanate from the gifts given to those with whom we are engaged in a haram relationship with?!
May The Almighty ALLAH forgive us all.

Sent from my iPhone

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(Attock VU Group) Fwd: Signing the petition for Nobel Peace Prize for Abdul Sattar

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Virtual University of Pakistan <>
Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:07 AM
Subject: Signing the petition for Nobel Peace Prize for Abdul Sattar

 Dear Students,


Clink on the following link and sign immediately at . It is to support the nomination of Abdus Sattar Edhi for 2012 Noble Peace Prize. Please also publicize as widely as possible.



Virtual University of Pakistan



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Re: (Attock VU Group) Re: (VUStudyMasti) کامیابی کی کنجی


MashaAllah ... No doubt ...

2012/2/12 Shahzad Sadiq <>

2012/2/11 True Angel <>


کامیابی کی کنجی

1928ء کو بھارت کی ریاست گجرات کے ایک قصبے بانٹوا میں ایک بچہ پیدا ہوا۔ کچھ بڑا ہوا تو اسے سکول میں داخل کروایا گیا۔ لیکن اسے تعلیم سے کوئی دلچسپی نہ تھی۔ وہ چوتھی کلاس سے آگے نہ جا سکا۔ سکول چھوڑ کر اس نے کپڑوں کی ایک دوکان پر ملازمت کر لی۔ تاہم جلد ہی وہ اس کام سے بھی اکتا گیا، اور دوبارہ سکول میں داخل ہو گیا۔ لیکن دو سال بعد پھر تعلیم کو خیر آباد کہہ دیا۔دراصل وہ کچھ مختلف کرنا چاہتا تھا۔ کچھ ایسا جو دوسرے نہیں کر سکتے تھے! تقسیم برصغیر کے بعد وہ اپنے خاندان کے ہمراہ ہجرت کر کے پاکستان کے شہر کراچی میں سکونت پذیر ہوا۔ اس وقت اس کی عمر اٹھارہ سال تھی۔

پندرہ برس کی عمر میں اس نے اپنے مقصد کا تعیّن کر لیا تھا۔ وہ غریبوں کی مدد کرنا چاہتا تھا۔ وہ ان کی حالت زار دیکھ کر کڑھتا رہتا۔ وہ ان کے دکھوں میں کا مداوا کرنا چاہتا تھا۔ ان کے رستے زخموں پر مرحم رکھنا چاہتا تھا۔ وہ ان کے لیئے ہسپتال، ٹریننگ سنٹر، فیکٹریاں بنانا چاہتا تھا۔ ان خیالات کا اظہار جب وہ اپنے دوستوں سے کرتا تو اس کا تمسخر اڑاتے، ٹھٹھول کرتے اور اس پر پھبتیاں کستے۔ وہ کبھی ایسی باتوں سے دلبرداشتہ نہیں ہوا۔ کیونکہ اسے اپنی کامیابی کا یقین تھا۔ کیا ہوا جو ابھی اس کے پاس وسائل نہیں تھے!

اسے اپنی منزل کی طرف قدم بڑھانے کے لیئے سرمائے کی ضرورت تھی۔ جس کے حصول کے لیے اس نے بازاروں میں ماچسیں، پنسلیں اور دستی رومال بیچنے شروع کر دیئے جو وہ ہول سیل پر خریدتا تھا۔ ان اشیاء کی فروخت سے جو بچت ہوتی وہ اسے پس انداز کرتا رہا۔ کچھ روپے جمع ہونے پر اس نے ایک ہتھ ریڑھی خرید کر اسے ''موبائل پان شاپ'' میں تبدیل کیا، اور پان بیچنے لگا۔ دن کو وہ پان بیچتا اور رات کو ایک ڈسپنسری میں کام کرتا۔ تاہم کچھ عرصے بعد ڈسپنسری کے مالک سے اختلافات کی بنا پر علیحدہ ہو گیا۔

1951ء میں اس نے اپنی جمع پونجی سے ایک دوکان خریدی۔ اور اسے ایک ڈاکٹر کی مدد سے ڈسپنسری میں تبدیل کیا۔ یہ منزل کی طرف اس کا پہلا باقاعدہ قدم تھا۔ ہر قسم کے کام چھوڑ کر وہ فل ٹائم ڈسپنسری میں رہنے لگا۔ وہ غریبوں کو معمولی قیمت پر ادویات مہیا کرتا۔ کام کے باعث جب وہ رات کو تھک کر چور ہو جاتا تو ڈسپنسری کے باہر بچھے بنچ پر ہی سو رہتا۔ وہ خوش تھا۔ کیونکہ اسے اپنے کام سے عشق تھا۔

لوگوں نے اس کے جذبے، کام اور خلوص سے متاثر ہو کر دل کھول کر اس کی امداد کی۔ جو فنڈ جمع ہوا اس میں سے اس نے ایک وین خریدی اور اسے ایمبولینس میں تبدیل کیا۔ اس نے ایمبولینس پر''غریب آدمی کی وین'' کا نام لکھوایا۔ یہ کراچی جیسے بڑے شہر میں دوسری ایمبولینس تھی۔ اس سے پہلے صرف ایک ایمبولینس کام کر رہی تھی جو ریڈ کراس والوں کے پاس تھی۔ خدمت خلق کے جذبے سے سرشار ورکر اس کے ساتھ شامل ہوتے گئے۔ یوں کارواں بنتا گیا۔

کچھ عرصے بعد ڈسپنسری اور ایمبولینس کا نام تبدیل کر کے ''ایدھی ویلفیئر ٹرسٹ'' اور ''ایدھی ایمبولینس'' رکھ دیا گیا۔ آپ جان ہی چکے ہوں گے کہ یہ کس شخصیت کا تذکرہ تھا۔ اسلامی دنیا کے سب سے بڑے فلاحی ادارے کے بانی عبدالستار ایدھی کا۔ جنہیں مولانا ایدھی بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔ ایدھی ایک قبیلے کا نام تھا۔ یہ گجراتی زبان کا لفظ ہے۔ جس کے معنی ''سست''اور ''کاہل'' کے ہیں۔ لیکن انہوں نے اپنے کام سے ثابت کیا کہ وہ سست اور کاہل نہیں ہیں۔ 1978ء میں ایدھی فاونڈیشن کا قیام عمل میں آیا۔

ان کے راستے میں مخالفین نے کانٹے بچھائے، الزامات لگائے اور قتل کی دھمکیاں دیں۔ لیکن وہ نیت کے سچے، ہٹ کے پکے تھے۔ ان کے ارادے چٹان کی طرح مضبوط اور پہاڑ کی طرح بلند تھے۔ کوئی دھمکی کوئی خوف ان کے راستے کی دیوار نہ بن سکا۔ انہوں نے انسانی خدمت کو عبادت سمجھا۔ انہوں نے اپنے مقصد کو پا لیا۔ ان کا ''ائیر ایمبولینس ''کا خواب بھی تعبیر پا گیا۔انہوں نے اپنے کام کو وسعت دی۔ میٹرنٹی ہوم، کلینک، دارلامان، پاگل خانے، یتیم خانے، بلڈ بنک، سکول اور عورتوں کے لیئے نرسنگ ٹریننگ سنٹر بنائے۔ پاکستان سے باہر، دوسرے ملکوں میں بھی امدادی کاموں کے سلسلے میں بڑھ چڑھ کر حصہ لیا۔

2006ء میں ''ایدھی انٹر نیشنل ایمبولینس فاؤنڈیشن'' کا قیام عمل میں آیا۔ جس کے تحت دوسرے ملکوں کو رفاہی کاموں کے لیئے ایمبولینسیز مہیا کی جاتی ہیں۔ گینز بک آف ورلڈ ریکارڈ کے مطابق ایدھی ایمبولینس دنیا کی سب سے بڑی فلاحی ایمبولینس سروس ہے۔ انہیں مختلف مواقع پر ملکی و غیر ملکی اعزازات سے نوازا گیا۔ ایک موقع پر انہیں منیلا شہر کے دروازوں کی چابیاں پیش کی گئیں۔

ایک غیر تعلیم یافتہ شخص نے وہ کام کر دکھایا جو اعلیٰ تعلیم یافتہ ''جینئس'' نہ کر سکے۔ یہ سب کیسے ہوا؟ مقصد کا تعیّن، یقین کی قوت، جذبے کی طاقت اور انتھک محنت سے! کسی بھی خواہش کی تکمیل، خواب کی تعبیر، اور نعصب العین کو پا لینے کی یہی کنجیاں ہیں۔ ماہرین کا کہنا ہے کہ کامیابی کے حصول کے لیے تعلیم کا کردار 15%سے زیادہ نہیں ہوتا۔ کامیابی کے لیے مقصد کا تعیّن اتنا ہی ضروری ہے جتنا کہ کامیابی! بغیر مقصد کے کامیابی ناممکن ہے۔ اگر آپ گاڑی میں بیٹھ کر ڈرائیور کو اپنی منزل کے بارے میں نہ بتائیں تو وہ آپ کو کیسے آپ کی منزل تک پہنچائے گا؟ نشانہ لگانے کے لیے ٹارگٹ کا ہونا ضروری ہے۔ لیکن یاد رکھیئے! کامیابی کی منزل تک پہنچنے کے لیے آپ کو پھولوں کی راہ گزر نہیں ملے گی۔ کانٹوں بھرے راستے پر چلنا ہوگا۔ اگر آپ دیکھیں تو ہر بڑی کامیابی کے پیچھے آپ کو ناکامیوں، مشکلوں اور مصائب کے پہاڑ نظر آئیں گے۔

دنیا میں ہر کامیاب انسان کی زندگی کا کوئی نہ کوئی مقصد ہوتا ہے۔ کامیابی کو پانے کے لیے ناکامیوں کے پل صراط سے گزرنا پڑتا ہے۔ اگر آپ کا مقصد نیک، نیّت سچی، ارادہ مضبوط اور یقین کامل ہے تو کامیابی آپ سے دور رہ ہی نہیں سکتی۔


~*~ Being Alone is My Destiny ~*~

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Mian Waqar Naeem

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Re: (Attock VU Group) Please Advise

oooooooooooooooooooo wait.......kuch confirm kar lo...yar ....bcz  rule hai 2 saal ki degree k liya... 2 extra semester miltay hai.......

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(Attock VU Group) Re: (VU-Study-Corner) Assalam-o-Alykum

          Dear adela  and other boss plz help me in mth301 solved paper plz mujay nai mil rahay kahin say b plz help me?????????????????????

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:12 AM, bc100400564 Waqas Ahmad <> wrote:
          Dear adela  and other boss plz help me in mth301 solved paper plz mujay nai mil rahay kahin say b plz help me??????????????????????????

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 8:34 AM, MUHAMMAD AFZAAL <> wrote:
W.salam app ko b Subha Bakhair

On 14 February 2012 08:29, bc110401915 Adeela Bangush <> wrote:
w/s good mrning g

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 4:46 PM, bia@vu <> wrote:
Subha Bakhair
N Namaz time
Have A good Day.......................

kon kehta hy k Allah nazar nhi ata!
aik wo hi to nazar ata hy jb koi dusra nazar nhi ata
 MBA 3rd semeter

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                                                                       Bsc computer science (3rd)
                                                                          waqas Narowal Sialkot
                                                                             Cell No..0321-7157656



                                                                       Bsc computer science (3rd)
                                                                          waqas Narowal Sialkot
                                                                             Cell No..0321-7157656

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(Attock VU Group) Assalam-o-Alykum

Subha Bakhair
N Namaz time
Have A good Day.......................

kon kehta hy k Allah nazar nhi ata!
aik wo hi to nazar ata hy jb koi dusra nazar nhi ata
 MBA 3rd semeter

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Immoral & Rudish talk, Earning program links, Cell number for friendship purpose, Websites/Groups Links, Adult contents, Criticize-able Islamic stuff, Spreading disruption, Spamming are strictly prohibited and banned in group.
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(Attock VU Group) Current papers----IT430

Assalam o Alaikum.............Brothers & Sisters.....

it430 current 2012 9-2-2012 

total 53 questions hy
40 mcqz thy past paperz mn sy thy
5 questions 2 marks k thy
5 questions 3 marks k thy
r 3 questions 5 marks k thy.
mostly questions competitive theory k thy.
cyber squating r cuncurrent use ka 1 question the
over all paper past pprz mn sy hi tha.

Another paper.........................
Exam subjective paper 

Q1: What are the barriers of internet E-commerce? Just name. 
Q2: What is the key difference between B2C and B2B. 
Q3: How E-bank ensures that payment coin should not be spent more 
than one time.
Q4: What protocol used at "network layer" of OSI Model.
Q5: How a developer who releases software updates of his software can reduce price and increase sales in E-commerce environment.
Q6: What is the role and responsibility of "application layer" in OSI model?
Q7: Describe "perceived value" in context of branding.
Q8: In Virtual pin payment system, merchant is less secure and buyer is secure. Do you agree? Please justify your answer. (1+2)
Q9: Is any copy right Idea exists? Explain.
Q10: Factors of Industrial and competitive analysis, find factors according to strategic planning.
Q11: What do you know about private legislation?
Q12: Disadvantages of E-business? With examples. 5
Q13: According to Section 25, Explain CPS? 5
Q14: How do you know that a product needs how much amount of E-commerce to make it successful? 5

Another paper..........................
total question 53
40 mcqs (all mcqs were from past papers) 
statement question about law and days in which person can claim in civil court. 5
Hinders in growth of e-commerce in Pakistan. 5
data mining benefits to a bank. 5
define class of the given IPs. 3 (3 IPs were given) 
how the integrity can be show in an electronic document. 3
 can bank use the keys in both stages of e-cash payment. 3
customization and cost reduction by reducing administration cost. 3
what is LAN? Give example.  2
Online travel Service. 2 (e buisness model)
 baki yad ni a rahy..
 subjective was tough but mcqs were v easy. 

Another paper..........................
Total Marks 80
Total Questions 53
MCQs 40
Short Qs (2) 5
Short Qs(3) 5
Subjective (5) 3

MCQs were easy.
Subjective Part

What do you know about servlets?
one q about eto ordinance
types of conflict
one question about theories 

Another paper.............................
Write down the list of major global issues of e-commerce.

Explain 'Confidence' and 'Support' as two measures of Association?

Explain the advantages of E-business regarding today's scenarios

What do we mean by the anonymity in E-Cash Payment system?

What type of issues civil and criminal laws deals with?

How industry value chain proceeds on? Explain with the help any real life example.

What do we mean by Relevance element of branding?
1. What is data packets in computer

2. Free trail in promotions

3. Define hash function and how to digest a massage using hash

4. 3rd section ETO ka tha aik

5. Personal financial software

6. Separation

7. 20th section of ETO

8. 4th stage of planning cycle

9. Competitive strategy

10. What is CPS

11. Disadvantages of offline/online catalog
What do we mean by the anonymity in e cash payment system 2
What terms and matters are set out by federal legislative list according to (ETO) 2002 2
Discuss map coordinates in html 2
Assume that an organization name JS group uses data mining for extracting patterns. In your opinion which of the data mining types will be used to prediat knowledge for the organization 2
Yahoo portal provides 2
What are are global issues of internet taxation in e commerce 3
Known / unknown menting and deposit states ka table tha 3
Html code div text it 430 with dotted border and color blue. 3
The websites ……. And how it generate recenue which bsiness revenue model it use 3
Assume that there is a company name js group the deals in computer hadware. ERP 3
What is exusive right granted b law to make use and sells and invention dicuss with example
Explan and hightlisghts the positive and well negative things about data mining consumion point of view 5
Despite its vital benefits why people fell unsecure and uncomfortable whil doing transaction on . 5
My todays paper of IT430;
mcqs are not from past papers but were eazy overall. and subjective qstn are there.
Q1. What is "free trial "promotion technique? 2
Q2.Stages of E_cash paymenty system? 2
Q3. According to Micheal porter's"purschase material and supplies" is one of the area of the private activities in a strategic business unit. list awhat kind of activities performed in this area?2
Q4. According to Section "15" "what is meant by " usual place of residence"? 2
Q5. find error, if any in the subnet mask of ? 2
Q6. SSL is better than SET . do yuo agree justify ? 3
Q7. what is Cyber Wallet and its uses? 3
Q8. protection under "fair use " may be sought diccuss? 3
Q9. CGI works on server side ? explain? 3
Q10.What is supply chain management? 5
Q11.what are the language barriers? give the two apprroaches to improve it? 5
Q12. how e-coomerse improve the compition promotion iby custmization and reduced transactions ? 5

Another paper.....................................
IT430 (1st session 10-Feb-2012)  Final Term
)----------- wrongs such as breach of contract are deemed to violate only the rights of individuals and not the society in genera (mcq)
(33) which of the following issues is considered the biggest obstacle in the growth of e-commerce? (mcq)
(41) Why do we need Domain Names? Explain shortly. (2)
(42) Mr. Ali is developing an Online Recruiting website. Do you have any idea what Online Recruiting means? (2)
(43) Suppose there is a company named which deals with computer hardware. In your opinion, which strategy can be used by the company to bring more customers into the commitment stage? (2)
(44) what are the possible barriers that a company has to face while running its e-commerce business internationally? (2)
(45) section 31 of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002 (ETO) specifies that it does not apply to five different types of documents and those are still required to be in paper form. Write down the names of these documents. (2)
(46) Given below is the code of image map using rectangle.
<Map Name="Testmap">
<Area shape="Rect" coords="100,100,150,150" href="#">
Describe the meaning of each value used in coords attribute. (3)
(47) Mr. Ali is developing the website of an online shopping store. He knows that there exist two protocols SSL and SET for the secured transmission of credit card numbers over the internet. But, the requirement is to keep the security as well as the privacy of the whole transaction. Which of the two protocols best fulfills his requirements and why?  (3)
(48) Assume that you have entered a string "what is partnership" in a search engine (, which type of sites will be ranked high by search engine and what mechanism will be used to rank the sites? (3)
(49) Assume that there is a company named that deals in computer products. does not have strong relationships with the computer dealers and sells the products directly to the consumers. keeps its cost below than competitor's costs who have stronger relationship with the computer dealers. Identify the strengths, weaknesses and threats of according to SWOT analysis (3)
(50) ssume that a certification service provider works as a certification authority in Pakistan but it is not accredited with Certification Council. In order to get the accreditation certificate, which procedure should it follow according to the law of Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002 (ETO)? (5)
(51) hat are the four guiding principles to form the basis of any privacy legislation?
(52) In Strategic Planning Cycle, is the strategy implemented same as it was formulated? Comment on it.(5)
(53) Assume that there is a company named that deals in selling furniture online. The company wants to perform the knowledge discovery process. In the knowledge discovery process the data will be cleaned, transformed, selected and integrated. According to you, what possible actions will be performed by at each step of the knowledge discovery process?  (5)   (pls solve)

Another paper................................
There is my paper frnds,
total question are 53,
5 number walay 3,
3 numbers walay 5,
2 number waly 5,
baki SMQ thay,
zaida ter final solved old papers say aya
specialy es file say jo attache ker ri hon.
subjective papers k chand sawal yad hain jo mention ker ri hon,
5 number ka sawal tha.
analyses the factor that can give competitive advantage to EC over manual business?
5 number ka sawal:
Whats E-business promotions methods will you use to attract customers?
3 number ka sawal:
factor of E-business is not Reliable.?
3 number ka sawal:
Emotional branding can be differentiated with Rational branding?
3 number ka sawal:
what mechanism will be used by VAN to deal with the customer's data of his company?
and where will be the messages of the customer stored.?
friends remember me in ur prayers plz,
May God pass us,ameeen.

Shahzad Sadiq
4th Semester
...~*Virtual University Of Pakistan*~...

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(Attock VU Group) Current papers---IT430

Assalam o Alaikum.............Brothers & Sisters.....

it430 current 2012 9-2-2012 

total 53 questions hy
40 mcqz thy past paperz mn sy thy
5 questions 2 marks k thy
5 questions 3 marks k thy
r 3 questions 5 marks k thy.
mostly questions competitive theory k thy.
cyber squating r cuncurrent use ka 1 question the
over all paper past pprz mn sy hi tha.

Another paper.........................
Exam subjective paper 

Q1: What are the barriers of internet E-commerce? Just name. 
Q2: What is the key difference between B2C and B2B. 
Q3: How E-bank ensures that payment coin should not be spent more 
than one time.
Q4: What protocol used at "network layer" of OSI Model.
Q5: How a developer who releases software updates of his software can reduce price and increase sales in E-commerce environment.
Q6: What is the role and responsibility of "application layer" in OSI model?
Q7: Describe "perceived value" in context of branding.
Q8: In Virtual pin payment system, merchant is less secure and buyer is secure. Do you agree? Please justify your answer. (1+2)
Q9: Is any copy right Idea exists? Explain.
Q10: Factors of Industrial and competitive analysis, find factors according to strategic planning.
Q11: What do you know about private legislation?
Q12: Disadvantages of E-business? With examples. 5
Q13: According to Section 25, Explain CPS? 5
Q14: How do you know that a product needs how much amount of E-commerce to make it successful? 5

Another paper..........................
total question 53
40 mcqs (all mcqs were from past papers) 
statement question about law and days in which person can claim in civil court. 5
Hinders in growth of e-commerce in Pakistan. 5
data mining benefits to a bank. 5
define class of the given IPs. 3 (3 IPs were given) 
how the integrity can be show in an electronic document. 3
 can bank use the keys in both stages of e-cash payment. 3
customization and cost reduction by reducing administration cost. 3
what is LAN? Give example.  2
Online travel Service. 2 (e buisness model)
 baki yad ni a rahy..
 subjective was tough but mcqs were v easy. 

Another paper..........................
Total Marks 80
Total Questions 53
MCQs 40
Short Qs (2) 5
Short Qs(3) 5
Subjective (5) 3

MCQs were easy.
Subjective Part

What do you know about servlets?
one q about eto ordinance
types of conflict
one question about theories 

Another paper.............................
Write down the list of major global issues of e-commerce.

Explain 'Confidence' and 'Support' as two measures of Association?

Explain the advantages of E-business regarding today's scenarios

What do we mean by the anonymity in E-Cash Payment system?

What type of issues civil and criminal laws deals with?

How industry value chain proceeds on? Explain with the help any real life example.

What do we mean by Relevance element of branding?
1. What is data packets in computer

2. Free trail in promotions

3. Define hash function and how to digest a massage using hash

4. 3rd section ETO ka tha aik

5. Personal financial software

6. Separation

7. 20th section of ETO

8. 4th stage of planning cycle

9. Competitive strategy

10. What is CPS

11. Disadvantages of offline/online catalog
What do we mean by the anonymity in e cash payment system 2
What terms and matters are set out by federal legislative list according to (ETO) 2002 2
Discuss map coordinates in html 2
Assume that an organization name JS group uses data mining for extracting patterns. In your opinion which of the data mining types will be used to prediat knowledge for the organization 2
Yahoo portal provides 2
What are are global issues of internet taxation in e commerce 3
Known / unknown menting and deposit states ka table tha 3
Html code div text it 430 with dotted border and color blue. 3
The websites ……. And how it generate recenue which bsiness revenue model it use 3
Assume that there is a company name js group the deals in computer hadware. ERP 3
What is exusive right granted b law to make use and sells and invention dicuss with example
Explan and hightlisghts the positive and well negative things about data mining consumion point of view 5
Despite its vital benefits why people fell unsecure and uncomfortable whil doing transaction on . 5
My todays paper of IT430;
mcqs are not from past papers but were eazy overall. and subjective qstn are there.
Q1. What is "free trial "promotion technique? 2
Q2.Stages of E_cash paymenty system? 2
Q3. According to Micheal porter's"purschase material and supplies" is one of the area of the private activities in a strategic business unit. list awhat kind of activities performed in this area?2
Q4. According to Section "15" "what is meant by " usual place of residence"? 2
Q5. find error, if any in the subnet mask of ? 2
Q6. SSL is better than SET . do yuo agree justify ? 3
Q7. what is Cyber Wallet and its uses? 3
Q8. protection under "fair use " may be sought diccuss? 3
Q9. CGI works on server side ? explain? 3
Q10.What is supply chain management? 5
Q11.what are the language barriers? give the two apprroaches to improve it? 5
Q12. how e-coomerse improve the compition promotion iby custmization and reduced transactions ? 5

Another paper.....................................
IT430 (1st session 10-Feb-2012)  Final Term
)----------- wrongs such as breach of contract are deemed to violate only the rights of individuals and not the society in genera (mcq)
(33) which of the following issues is considered the biggest obstacle in the growth of e-commerce? (mcq)
(41) Why do we need Domain Names? Explain shortly. (2)
(42) Mr. Ali is developing an Online Recruiting website. Do you have any idea what Online Recruiting means? (2)
(43) Suppose there is a company named which deals with computer hardware. In your opinion, which strategy can be used by the company to bring more customers into the commitment stage? (2)
(44) what are the possible barriers that a company has to face while running its e-commerce business internationally? (2)
(45) section 31 of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002 (ETO) specifies that it does not apply to five different types of documents and those are still required to be in paper form. Write down the names of these documents. (2)
(46) Given below is the code of image map using rectangle.
<Map Name="Testmap">
<Area shape="Rect" coords="100,100,150,150" href="#">
Describe the meaning of each value used in coords attribute. (3)
(47) Mr. Ali is developing the website of an online shopping store. He knows that there exist two protocols SSL and SET for the secured transmission of credit card numbers over the internet. But, the requirement is to keep the security as well as the privacy of the whole transaction. Which of the two protocols best fulfills his requirements and why?  (3)
(48) Assume that you have entered a string "what is partnership" in a search engine (, which type of sites will be ranked high by search engine and what mechanism will be used to rank the sites? (3)
(49) Assume that there is a company named that deals in computer products. does not have strong relationships with the computer dealers and sells the products directly to the consumers. keeps its cost below than competitor's costs who have stronger relationship with the computer dealers. Identify the strengths, weaknesses and threats of according to SWOT analysis (3)
(50) ssume that a certification service provider works as a certification authority in Pakistan but it is not accredited with Certification Council. In order to get the accreditation certificate, which procedure should it follow according to the law of Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002 (ETO)? (5)
(51) hat are the four guiding principles to form the basis of any privacy legislation?
(52) In Strategic Planning Cycle, is the strategy implemented same as it was formulated? Comment on it.(5)
(53) Assume that there is a company named that deals in selling furniture online. The company wants to perform the knowledge discovery process. In the knowledge discovery process the data will be cleaned, transformed, selected and integrated. According to you, what possible actions will be performed by at each step of the knowledge discovery process?  (5)   (pls solve)

Another paper................................
There is my paper frnds,
total question are 53,
5 number walay 3,
3 numbers walay 5,
2 number waly 5,
baki SMQ thay,
zaida ter final solved old papers say aya
specialy es file say jo attache ker ri hon.
subjective papers k chand sawal yad hain jo mention ker ri hon,
5 number ka sawal tha.
analyses the factor that can give competitive advantage to EC over manual business?
5 number ka sawal:
Whats E-business promotions methods will you use to attract customers?
3 number ka sawal:
factor of E-business is not Reliable.?
3 number ka sawal:
Emotional branding can be differentiated with Rational branding?
3 number ka sawal:
what mechanism will be used by VAN to deal with the customer's data of his company?
and where will be the messages of the customer stored.?
friends remember me in ur prayers plz,
May God pass us,ameeen.


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(Attock VU Group) My today's Paper---MGT502

Assalam o Alaikum........Brothers & Sisters.....

If you prepare current can attempt 3 to 4 subjective questions...........:)  

62(MCQs)......3(3 marks)......4(5 marks)

Differentiate between selection and socialization(5)
Relationship betweenTechnology and work design (5)
Stress can be positive or negative influence on employee performance. Discuss (5)
Bounded Rationality Decision making(5)
What two objectives achieved by performance appraisal(3)
One question was about Coaching(3)
One is not remembered......(3)


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Re: (Attock VU Group) He said I feel lonely and hollow from the inside!


Mere Gosha-e-Fikar main meri Zindagi k Qareeb tar
Mera Aisa b ek Dost hy "SABA" Jo mila na kabi Juda huwa

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Re: (Attock VU Group) He said I feel lonely and hollow from the inside!



On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 12:10 AM, bc110200682 Nadeem Ul Hassan <> wrote:
He said I feel lonely and hollow from the inside !

I said: A true Muslim can't feel lonely when he has ALLAH in his life.

▲ Who was it with ADAM, peace be upon him when he sinned and was made to descend to earth? Had Allah not forgiven him, he would've been depressed to death.
▲ Who was it with NOAH, peace be upon him when the sky and earth were gushing with water and everyone including his son was drowning?

▲ Who was it with IBRAHIM, peace be upon him when he –alone- destroyed the idols and the pagans threw him in the blazing fire?

▲ Who was it with YUSUF, peace be upon him when he was abandoned in the well by his own flesh and blood; to end up in jail for a crime he didn't commit and a sin he refused to do?

▲ Who was it with MOSES, peace be upon him when Pharos and his men followed him and his people across the sea?

▲ Who was it with our Prophet MUHAMMAD salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam when he was followed by hundreds of pagans with a bounty on his head? All they wanted was blood ?

If what's between YOU & ALLAH fine, what is between you and the rest of the world doesn't matter ! Because you have ALLAH, the LORD of the Worlds with you ! You are not at all alone ! ♥

Sent from my iPhone

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