questions were about
active n passive voice
using visual aids
words and punctation
chapter 32 imp
functional specifications
organizational problems [/left]
Another paper
My Paper Today Date = 02/03/2012
Any five categories of Hardware functional Specification 5 Marks
Difference Between formal and unformed speech 5 Marks
What is coherent and why are important 5 Marks
Analyzing your audience is important in presentation. Comment 5 Marks
Name the general rule for writing the initial part of a direct request 3 Marks
Define the Self-oriented role in meting 3 Marks
Why do we use parenthesis? 3 Marks
Differentiate between organizational chart and schedule charts
Def. Fundamental factors of written communication 2 Marks
What important purpose does the "Table of content" serves in a Analysis Report 2 Marks
What is the function of the attention getting device at the beginning of a persuasive request letter? 2 Marks
Another paper
My Paper at 0800Hrs
1. Photograph and how to create it
2. Parallelism
3. Letter of Recomendation
4. Organizational Charts.a
5. Persuasive Message Format
6. Five question about using Rule of Verbs and Nouns
7. something from Orall Comunication
8. General Rule for direct request
9. Front of application letter
Another paper
comma splice
short memo-report
open and close ended question
accomplish transitions
uses of letters
Another paper
40 mcq
12 short
10 mcqs select one complete sentence
all gramatical symbol must revise
commas,hypens, exclamation mark.
to enclose one or more sentences which symbol is use
quoation marks
exclamation mark
to specify document style
quotatiom mark
visual aid
persuasive message
define analogy
define the purpose of document for the audience
define types of sentences
superstructure of feasibility reports
exclimpification in the paragraph
types or reports
which thin must be enter in resume
which structre of report not present in proposal
what is not graphic
in which situati colon uses
why hypen is use
define seven c's name
compare correctness and concreteness
in which situatio courtesy use
which is not use in long reports rather then intermediate report
how many types of reports
define supertstucute of recomendation letter