English Translation of Al-Quran
[10].Surah Yunus [Jonah]
Ayat 34. Say: "Is there of your (Allah's so-called) partners one that originates the creation and then repeats it?" Say: "Allah originates the creation and then He repeats it. Then how are you deluded away (from the truth)?"
English Translation of HadithHazrat Aishah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) returned once from a journey, and saw a curtain which I had hung along a platform with some pictures on it. The colour of his face changed. He tore it up and said, "O `Aishah, the most tormented people on the Day of Resurrection are those who contend with Allah in terms of creation.''
[Al-Bukhari Hadith # 5954 and Muslim Hadith # 5258].
Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Yunus Ayat 34. "Allah originates the creation and then He repeats it. Then how are you deluded away (from the truth)?" In this Hadith, we are told that lapses in religious matters may be resented vehemently. The Shari`ah condemns both the making of human portraits and their decoration in homes and, if displayed as sacred objects, they may be read as polytheistic manifestation. Besides, orthodox `Ulama' and researchers are of the opinion that making or keeping of any type of picture is forbidden and unlawful. The rule equally applies to a hand-made picture and a camera photograph, provided it is that of an animate object. Yet, making or keeping pictures of inanimate objects, both of mineral and vegetable kingdoms, is permissible. However, one is at liberty to get oneself photographed in an unavoidable situation. For instance, photographs are indispensable to passports, identity cards and similar other necessities of modern times in which man is helpless and we can not assert that he is inclined to satisfy his taste or to get himself photographed as a token of permissibility. Indeed, it is the requirement of international law. So, up to this extent he will not be called to account. Yet, he cannot be justified in overstepping this limit.
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